Worlds 195 Countries Intelligence Agencies List

Every country in the world creates an agency for its security and internal intelligence. These agencies work to identify and resolve threats inside and outside the country. Today in this blog we will learn about the names of intelligence agencies of all the 195 countries of the world and their important roles.

Top 11 Intelligence Agencies

1. CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) America

CIA is Central Intelligence Agency. This is the largest and main intelligence agency of USA. The job of this agency is to keep an eye on foreign governments, criminals, and terrorist groups and monitor their activities. CIA reports directly to the President and is involved in many important covert operations and political interventions of the world.

2. RAW (Research and Analysis Wing) India

India’s RAW (Research and Analysis Wing) is one of the most powerful and well-known intelligence agencies in the world. Its job is primarily to gather foreign intelligence, protect the country’s security from external threats, and safeguard strategic national interests. RAW has also played an important role in military and covert operations on many occasions, such as during the 1971 Bangladesh war.

3. MI6 (Secret Intelligence Service) – United Kingdom

MI6 is United kingdom’s external intelligence agency whose real name is “Secret Intelligence Service (SIS)”. This agency works to collect foreign intelligence and fight against terrorism. MI6 identifies and counters international threats using very advanced techniques and technology.

4. FSB (Federal Security Service) – Russia

FSB is Federal Security Service. This is Russia’s domestic and foreign intelligence agency which is engaged in international operations as well as internal security. Its job is to monitor and eliminate terrorism and national threats within Russia. During the Cold War, FSB was known as KGB.

5. Mossad – Israel

Mossad is Israel’s intelligence agency which is famous all over the world for its covert operations and strong responses against terrorism. Mossad is considered to be the world’s most brutal agency. It kills civilians and children during its operations. This agency is expert in foreign intelligence and counter-terrorism work. Mossad’s covert operations and assassinations are considered quite well-known and bold.

6. ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence) – Pakistan

ISI means [ Inter-Services Intelligence ] is Pakistan’s largest and most influential intelligence agency. This agency primarily works for military and national security and keeps an eye on political and security related issues around the world. ISI has often been involved in operations against India and is known for its covert methods.

7. DGSE (Directorate General for External Security) – France

DGSE is France’s external intelligence agency tasked with gathering foreign intelligence and performing counter-terrorism operations. DGSE has considerable influence on geopolitics and diplomacy around the world, and the agency plays an important role in Europe.

8. BND (Bundesnachrichtendienst) – Germany

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The BND is Federal Intelligence Service, BND’s Germany’s main foreign intelligence agency. Its job is to identify international security threats and protect Germany’s interests. The BND is also known for its surveillance techniques and cyber intelligence.

9. GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters) – United Kingdom

GCHQ is a British intelligence and security organisation responsible for signals intelligence (SIGINT) and information assurance. It primarily works on communication interception and cyber intelligence. It works very closely with MI6.

10. ASIS (Australian Secret Intelligence Service) – Australia

Australia’s ASIS agency is primarily responsible for foreign intelligence and covert operations. This agency gathers diplomatic intelligence and promotes Australia’s national security interests.

11. NDS (National Directorate of Security) – Afghanistan

Afghanistan’s NDS is a young intelligence agency that works for counter-terrorism and domestic security. This agency plays a very important role in the peace and stability of Afghanistan.

Worlds 195 Countries Intelligence Agencies List

1. Asia

South Asia

  • India: Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), Intelligence Bureau (IB)
  • Pakistan: Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI)
  • Bangladesh: Directorate General of Forces Intelligence (DGFI), National Security Intelligence (NSI)
  • Nepal: National Investigation Department (NID)
  • Sri Lanka: State Intelligence Service (SIS)
  • Maldives: Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF) Intelligence Service
  • Bhutan: Royal Bhutan Army Intelligence

East Asia

  • China: Ministry of State Security (MSS)
  • Japan: Public Security Intelligence Agency (PSIA)
  • South Korea: National Intelligence Service (NIS)
  • North Korea: Reconnaissance General Bureau (RGB)
  • Mongolia: General Intelligence Agency (GIA)

Southeast Asia

  • Indonesia: State Intelligence Agency (BIN)
  • Malaysia: Royal Malaysia Police Special Branch (RMP)
  • Thailand: National Intelligence Agency (NIA)
  • Vietnam: General Department of Military Intelligence (GDMI)
  • Philippines: National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA)
  • Myanmar: Office of the Chief of Military Security Affairs (OCMSA)
  • Cambodia: General Intelligence Department (GID)
  • Laos: National Security and Defense Intelligence
  • Brunei: Internal Security Department (ISD)
  • Singapore: Security and Intelligence Division (SID)

Central Asia

  • Kazakhstan: National Security Committee (NSC)
  • Uzbekistan: National Security Service (SNB)
  • Tajikistan: State Committee for National Security (SCNS)
  • Turkmenistan: Ministry of National Security
  • Kyrgyzstan: State Committee for National Security (GKNB)

West Asia (Middle East)

  • Saudi Arabia: General Intelligence Presidency (GIP)
  • United Arab Emirates: State Security Directorate (SSD)
  • Turkey: National Intelligence Organization (MIT)
  • Iran: Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS)
  • Israel: Mossad, Shin Bet, Aman
  • Iraq: Iraqi National Intelligence Service (INIS)
  • Syria: General Intelligence Directorate (GID)
  • Jordan: General Intelligence Directorate (GID)
  • Lebanon: General Directorate of General Security (GDGS)
  • Yemen: National Security Bureau (NSB)

2. Europe

Western Europe

  • United Kingdom: Secret Intelligence Service (MI6), Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), Security Service (MI5)
  • France: Directorate General for External Security (DGSE), Directorate General for Internal Security (DGSI)
  • Germany: Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), Military Counterintelligence Service (MAD)
  • Italy: Agenzia Informazioni e Sicurezza Esterna (AISE)
  • Spain: Centro Nacional de Inteligencia (CNI)
  • Netherlands: General Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD)
  • Belgium: General Intelligence and Security Service (GISS)
  • Switzerland: Federal Intelligence Service (FIS)

Northern Europe

  • Sweden: Swedish Military Intelligence and Security Service (MUST), Säkerhetspolisen (Säpo)
  • Denmark: Danish Defence Intelligence Service (DDIS)
  • Norway: Norwegian Intelligence Service (NIS)
  • Finland: Finnish Security Intelligence Service (SUPO)

Eastern Europe

  • Russia: Federal Security Service (FSB), Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR)
  • Ukraine: Security Service of Ukraine (SBU)
  • Poland: Agencja Wywiadu (AW)
  • Romania: Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI)
  • Hungary: Constitution Protection Office (AH)
  • Czech Republic: Security Information Service (BIS)
  • Slovakia: Slovak Information Service (SIS)
  • Bulgaria: State Agency for National Security (DANS)

Southern Europe

  • Greece: National Intelligence Service (EYP)
  • Portugal: Serviço de Informações de Segurança (SIS)
  • Croatia: Security and Intelligence Agency (SOA)
  • Albania: State Intelligence Service (SHISH)
  • Serbia: Security Intelligence Agency (BIA)

3. Africa

North Africa

  • Egypt: General Intelligence Service (GIS)
  • Libya: External Security Organisation (ESO)
  • Algeria: Département du Renseignement et de la Sécurité (DRS)
  • Tunisia: Directorate General of National Security (DGNS)
  • Morocco: General Directorate for Territorial Surveillance (DGST)

Sub-Saharan Africa

  • South Africa: State Security Agency (SSA)
  • Nigeria: National Intelligence Agency (NIA)
  • Kenya: National Intelligence Service (NIS)
  • Ethiopia: National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS)
  • Sudan: General Intelligence Service
  • Uganda: Internal Security Organisation (ISO)
  • Zimbabwe: Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO)

4. America

North America

  • United States: Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), National Security Agency (NSA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
  • Canada: Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS)
  • Mexico: Centro Nacional de Inteligencia (CNI)

South America

  • Brazil: Agência Brasileira de Inteligência (ABIN)
  • Argentina: Agencia Federal de Inteligencia (AFI)
  • Chile: Agencia Nacional de Inteligencia (ANI)
  • Colombia: Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad (DAS)
  • Peru: Dirección Nacional de Inteligencia (DINI)

5. Oceania

  • Australia: Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS), Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO)
  • New Zealand: New Zealand Security Intelligence Service (NZSIS)
  • Fiji: National Intelligence and Investigations Unit

All these intelligence agencies of the country are formed to safeguard national security and the interests of the country. Their work ranges from covert operations to espionage, and it is important for the sovereignty and security of every country.

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